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Novus gives office a brush-up

Before: The grubby yellow wall

When housing charity Shelter Housing Advice and Research Project Leicester (SHARP) moved into a temporary office in Phoenix Yard, near the Sue Townsend Theatre in Upper Brown Street it needed a bit of ‘freshening up’.

The charity’s chairman, Frazer Robson, suggested to Novus Rotary, of which he is a founder member, that members could step in to save the charity some cash.

As luck would have it, the club had had to cancel its usual Thursday evening meeting, so Frazer and two other members turned up with paint brushes, rollers and stepladders.

Fuelled by delicious cakes cooked by the mother of staff member Shannon, 90 minutes later the volunteers had cleaned and filled a grubby yellow wall and painted it slate grey.

A fourth Novus Rotarian volunteer turned up just as the working party were dispersing, apologising for having been delayed at Leicester City Council where she advises citizens with housing and other problems — exactly the sort of clients that SHARP helps.

All agreed that the evening had been well spent in the service of a charity which helps others.

After…Frazer puts the vacuum round

Last edited: 10pm on Thursday, October 19 2023