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Musical surprise for Presidents in succession

Ranjit and Jim, wearing his newly-bestowed chain of office

Outgoing president of Novus Rotary Ranjit Singh Mann handed over the chain of office to new president Jim Matthews during a garden party at Jim’s home.

In an informal and unrehearsed way so typical of Novus Rotary, the handover was serenaded by a traditional song sung by Raji Olawale, and his wife Fatimat, who were both Rotary members in Ibadan, Nigeria.

The couple arrived in Leicester nearly 18 months ago so Fatimat can continue her studies. Their three children, Aliyah, Hasan and Aqeelah also attended the garden party. Sunday, July 2, was Aqeelah’s ninth birthday, so she was presented with a small birthday cake, although the breeze blew out the candles before she could!

Birthday girl Aqeelah wrong-footed by her sister Aliyah playing at the garden party

Jim handed over his President-Elect chain of office to current treasurer Deepak Karia. Deepak also received a specially-designed badge marking the centenary of District 1070, the group of Rotary clubs in central eastern England.

Raji, Deepak – holding his District 1070 badge – and Jim

In a year’s time, when Deepak takes over from Jim, Sarita Shah will step up for her second period as president.

Sarita during a recent charity collection.

Last edited: 11:30 on Tuesday, July 4, 2023