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Schoolchildren buy tented homes for families

Pupils at Falcons, the Sikh-ethos Primary School in Leicester have raised £590 which will be used by Novus Rotary to buy a Shelterbox… a home in a big box which will be flown out to areas where families have been displaced buy conflict or natural disaster.

The school, led by headteacher Jasbir Mann, a founder member of Leicester Novus Rotary, has supported Shelterbox before. To find out more about Shelterbox, please follow this link

Novus president Jim Matthews said: “Novus is delighted to again have this wonderful support from parents, pupils and staff at Falcons Primary School at a time when Ukraine Israel-Gaza and Russia-Ukraine conflicts are leaving so many innocent families in need of homes, even on a temporary basis.”

Last edited: 20:50 on Saturday, 30/12/2023