Once again, Novus Rotary has helped reward inspiring young people at Mellor Primary School.
Rotary Stars is the name of a Rotary project designed to reward and encourage good citizenship. Youth Service lead Pam Spokes is the member who runs it for the Rotary Club of Leicester Novus. This is her report
Eighteen pupils at Mellor Community Primary School have been rewarded for acts of kindness and good citizenship and have been recognised during a virtual assembly held in March. The children were nominated by their teachers and represent all year groups across the school.
Novus has received permission to show photographs you can access via this link to access the photos of Rotary Stars for this term with the pupils proudly displaying their Rotary Star certificates. They are named below, with a brief description of the reason for their nomination:
Aaron Patel
for demonstrating friendship and kindness on a daily basis with his learning partner and supporting younger children
Aksita Vasant
for being a good friend to her friendship group, showing kindness and always willing to help
Ankita Bedi
for showing positivity and enthusiasm for learning, and treating everyone with respect and compassion
Ava Brown
for being kind and caring towards others, willing to help children and adults, trying her best and always smiling
Darsh Patel
for showing loyalty and integrity, having impeccable manners, demonstrating good citizenship and being a true example to his classmates
Madeeha Patel
for showing determination and perseverance, always polite and respectful, a wonderful role model to all
Manraj Khehra Singh
for being a hardworking member of the class and school community. He has worked really hard in Maths recently to challenge himself and persevere even when tasks are difficult
Mansa Singh
Mansa is a kind and gentle child with beautiful manners, who treats everyone equally and with respect
Maymuna Faleel
Maymuna has demonstrated determination and courage, she is always smiling and treats everyone with respect
Mohammad Husain Sujniwala
Mohammad is a good friend and role model to others
Musa Sallu
Musa is a good friend, helping others when needed
Om Hiteshkumar
for being cheerful, polite and enthusiastic, always showing respect, making the most of every opportunity, a wonderful role model
Rehanshi Tandel
for being polite and kind with a good sense of right and wrong, showing an excellent attitude and always trying her best
Photographs were not available for the pupils listed below, who also received nominations and Rotary Star Certificates:
Liyana Lakhi-Tai
for being a true role model, always optimistic and smiling, showing empathy and compassion to all, inside and outside the classroom
Reem Beyiyan
for being considerate and kind towards others. She shows respect for her classroom environment and is honest. She is always thoughtful about helping others.
Adrian Dos Santos Lopes
for working hard on his English skills, showing resilience and a positive attitude; helping others and being a loyal friend
Xavion Wheeler
for being a good friend, kind and always willing to help
Zain Zaveri
for being a positive role model to another child, helping them to follow instructions, and showing kindness and consideration
Pam said how delighted she was that the partnership between the Rotary Club of Leicester Novus and Mellor Primary, over many years, had resulted in so many children being recognised and rewarded for acts of good citizenship. She thanked Deputy Head Teacher Asif Esat and the staff at Mellor for their co-operation in running the project and very much looks forward to the time when the Rotary Star Certificates can once again be presented in person at end of term assemblies.
Rotary Stars is only one of many projects and competitions organised by Rotary Clubs across the country. Rotarians say that Youth Service is one of the most rewarding avenues of service and provides a major commitment to educating future generations.
Last edited: 13:20 on Wednesday, 05/04/2023