The 14 Novus Rotarians enjoying Hollywood Bollywood 2018
President Pradeep and 13 of his club members welcomed about 150 guests to their Hollywood/Bollywood diner dance at St Martin’s House.
Delicious food, good music and great company made the evening a great success.

On display, the food artistry of Mirch chef Vipul Athukarole. All done with fruit and a sharp knife.
The food, of course, was provided by Mirch Masala, the Belgrave restaurant of Pradeep and his wife Nisha, who were joined by their daughters to make it a real family affair. Centrepiece of the super buffet was melon art, carved by Mirch’s chef Vipula Athukorale.
Diana Thurston and Sarita Shah are still totting up the result of the raffle they organised to make sure that the Rotary Jaipur Limb project, and hospices LOROS (adult) and Rainbows (children) get as much money as possible.