New Novus Rotarian Kartar Singh Bring appeared on BBC TV East Midlands Today at the launch of the new Sikh Museum accessible in Virtual Reality.
Kartar’s work as the only Sikh lead hospital chaplain in the UK does not prevent him from many aspects of serving his community in a voluntary capacity.
Park of that has been his work with others to help develop the Anglo Sikh Virtual Museum. Its launch at New Walk Museum in Leicester was broadcast on East Midlands Today. You can read about it on Kartar’s Facebook page and may be able to see it by ‘catching up’ with East Midlands Today for Thursday, August 8.
From the clips, it is clear that the virtual reality museum has been expertly curated and crafted and gives a fascinating insight in Sikh history and practices and the chance to experience very important artefacts in 3D.
Novus members are looking forward to experiencing the museum at a future meeting.
Last edited: 1240 on Friday, August 9, 2019