Leicester Novus is one of nearly 90 clubs in eastern central England with one member, the District Governor. as their leader and figurehead. One of the duties of the District Governor is to visit every club during her or his year of office. Another is to re-visit those clubs which have been awarded the Rotary Citation for meeting targets set by that year’s President of Rotary International.
The Governor of District 1070 last year was Tim Tucker, a member of the Rotary Club of St Ives in Cambridgeshire. He visited Novus several times last year including the club’s 10th anniversary.
It was, he told us when he visited this evening, one of the best Rotary celebrations he had enjoyed. And, he said, his view was shared by by his fellow member Ron Riding who had driven him to it and by Debbie Hodge, who had been President Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland.
He congratulated past president Jason Chauhan while presenting him with the certificate signed by Rotary International President Barry Rassin, from the Bahamas.
Last edited: 23:15 on Thursday, January 16, 2020