Every year, on the first Thursday of April, members of the Rotary Club of Leicester Novus hold their Annual General Meeting
One of the main items on the AGM agenda is to elect officers for the Rotary year beginning in July.
Sarita Shah had already been elected and so the AGM so it was a case of endorsing that decision. Kartar Singh Bring was elected President Elect for the year 2020-2021. Ranjit Singh Mann, whose wife was president of the club in 2011-2012, will be president in 202-2022.
Other officers elected were Pam Spokes (secretary), Frazer Robson (assistant secretary) and Deepak Karia (treasurer).
All are hoping it will not be too long before they can stop having online meetings and instead meet face to face meetings when the COVID-19 crisis is over.
Once again, the members paused their meeting at 8pm to leave their phones, tablets and laptops to join the Clap for NHS and keyworkers.
Last edited: 22:25 on Thursday, 02.04.2020